Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ford County

Now that Wilson is actually "sleeping like a baby" - I get to read again - woo hoo! Due to the vast amount of sickness in the household in January - I had February Resolutions instead of New Year's ones. This year I am trying to read a spiritual book in between my normal books in my everyday reading.

I read Stepping Heavenward first by Elizabeth Prentiss - it's a fictional book that portrays a journal of a Christian woman in the 1800s and how her spiritual life changes from her 16th birthday until her 40s. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to women with children especially.

My second book of the year was Ford County by John Grisham. I started reading Grisham in high school and read everything he writes. I love the fun lawyer/mystery/thriller books, but tolerate the rest. I understand that he wants to write something else - I just don't enjoy it as much. Ford County was no different. The short stories concept about a county is Mississippi is neat, but I was not attached to any of the characters & found most of the stories too dark for my taste. If I had to pick one, I guess Casino was my favorite. I'll just wait for the next lawyering book I guess....

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