Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Pool

It takes a lot for me to get motivated to put a bathing suit on my pasty self in February... but I did it ... twice. Wilson & I have been a little bored with our surroundings, so I got inspired to take him to our indoor pool at the Y. And I wanted to buy him a little bathing suit. They are beyond adorable. The first time, we all three went and he showed ZERO expression - nothing. And this baby smiles at everything. So, I tried again by myself last Saturday, and we hit the jackpot!! Here's why it was so great:

1. W is way into playing by himself - he likes for me to be there, but he doesn't want to play with me very much. This was a great way for us to interact in a play setting instead of something functional. And he let me hold him tightly the whole time... I am getting less snuggling these days.

2. He LOVED watching the other children (and flirting with the lifeguards)- I hadn't pictured that - but he sat in my arms for 15 minutes and just laughed, smiled, and looked. They also have a lot of things that shoot water in the kids section of our pool - he liked seeing all of that action too!

3. Balls/Floats - He loved swimming together to capture a ball and then holding it for a little while before he let go again. They also had a fabulous float he could sit up in while I toted him around to various parts of the pool. He enjoyed traveling around and seemed to kick a lot under the water. The big surprise is that he did not splash his hands at all. Maybe next time?

This was an awesome way to break up the winter blahs and get us out of the house doing something active! We will go back soon! I'll try to post a picture sometime when I can manage a baby, camera, and water....

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