Thursday, April 29, 2010

Becoming an Organic Farmer

Rowdy's new career aspiration is to be an organic farmer.  Since he has never planted anything edible, we thought it might be a good idea to start experimenting with vegetable gardening before he leaves the law office forever.  We live in the trees and have no space in the ground to plant, so we are attempting container gardening on our porch!  We have a successful herb garden out there that Rowdy's mom put together for us last summer.  We started squash, tomatoes, cilantro, and strawberries from their seeds and I am happy to report that everything has come up except the strawberries (I think I missed the season).  All 3 successful plants showed signs of growth after in 10-12 days.  We are going to plant beans and eggplant this weekend - they are supposed to be easy!  I had no idea I would enjoy this so much, but I look forward to checking on my plants and nurturing them each day.

 Our little helper

Gaye Gaye also bought us a super book  - Easy Container Combos: Vegetables and Flowers.  The woman who wrote it tried over a thousand ways to plant vegetables and flowers & gives wonderful basic instructions with pictures.  I still have a lot of questions, but this has been a great starting point!  I don't know if we will save money or even produce plants that are superior to anything we can buy, but I love working with my hands outdoors in a productive way.  More updates to follow...

Our squash at 3 weeks.... the bottom 2 are the failed strawberries. 


Panda Parables said...

we did a 4X4 raised bed last year & only had success with the cherry tomatoes. (we had gotten some hand-me-down starter plants and most things were not in their prime). we just planted some tomatoes, zucchini and pickling cucumbers (and i have some herbs in containers on the back porch). i will keep you posted on how things turn out for us this year!

Candace Echols said...

Ok, I love your blog! We have no green space yet either and while I've thought of doing something in a container, we don't even have any space to put it by the window really (and no porch) so we'll have to wait. But you should hear about the garden I have in my head for the new place! (I have never planted anything either except one Morning Glory in the sixth grade and it took over my parents' whole flowerbed.)

nicole said...

I can't wait to hear about more gardening ideas! I need a community to help me through this hobby.

Tracy said...

I love this...Rowdy is a boy after my own heart. I would love to become an organic farmer too!

Tiffany Hope said...

We were a apart of a local CSA farm this summer. We bought a working share, so Mark was out there quite a bit learning all about organic farming. Very interesting stuff, and hard work. Unfortunately the extreme heat and rain was a little rough and our season ended early, but it was a learning experience all the same. I want to do some container gardening myself...I'm just not sure I could keep up on it right now. I'll have to pick your brain on it though.