Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Miss Cassette Tapes

On my way home from work recently, I heard two beats of a song I probably haven't listened to in 20 years.  Yet, I found myself belting out every lyric (even the back up singers echos) to Out of the Blue by Debbie Gibson.  And when it was over, I waited in my head for Foolish Beat to be the 2nd track on the tape (didn't that song totally sound like Wham's Careless Whisper?).  I love my iPod and even CDs, but I love the bonding cassette tapes provide.  You knew the order of the whole tape, how much space was between each song, and the lyrics to even the worst quality songs artists could put out.  And your friends knew them the same way too.  The iPod has caused me to be so lazy about my music - I really listen to the same set of songs over and over because I don't want to push through and get used to something new. 

Anyway, here are the 3 tapes I probably know in my sleep (I did not include any soundtracks in the list - maybe for another day?):

1.  Paula Abdul - Forever Your Girl - I am not an American Idol person, but I loved some Paula back in the day.  The Way That You Love Me is my personal fav, but Straight Up was amazing too.

2.  JJ Fad - Supersonic - "We are the home chicks that are rockin' your world" - I remember staying up until 5 am playing the original Mario Brothers on mute and listening to this over and over.  I just got a sick slumber party feeling thinking about that. 

3.  Bangles - Different Light - I made my mom wake me up to this by pushing play on Monday mornings because I wanted to hear..... Manic Monday.  I do love a theme.  I was extremely outraged that year because U2's, With or Without You beat out Walk Like an Egyptian for the #1 song of the year.  And Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel had beat it out for the #1 video.  What a wasted New Year's Eve of countdowns... Oddly enough, I now listen to Peter Gabriel and U2 on a very regular basis... and hardly ever pick the Bangles.... hmmmmm. 

Honorable Mention:  Belinda Carlisle, Belinda; Bryan Adams, Reckless; and Madonna, True Blue

What cassettes do you miss??


Tracy said...

Ok, I miss my Tiffany cassette, but not for the music...more for the sentiment. It was my first one ever!

Candace Echols said...

Sorry to comment on sixth grade again, but it was one of the only times I made straight A's and my reward? Tickets to the Debbie Gibson concert at the Mud Island Amphitheater. With my parents, which was maybe not how I pictured it in my head, but still, I remember it. Who can ever be better than Debbie Gibson!?

nicole said...

Tracy - Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now" is still a good song. It will make you want to tease your hair and sing at the mall.

Candace - Nothing is better than Debbie. I wore 3 watches in 6th grade regularly to emulate her.